Sunday, October 21, 2012

A fungi to be with

The autumnal forest throws of lots of surprises especially if you know where to look...I got lucky.

I would love to give you some tantalising facts about this particualr fungi but I don't know what it instead you get some crap fungi related jokes...

***edit: This is a "Hypholoma fasciculare, commonly known as the sulphur tuft, sulfur tuft or clustered woodlover" or in German "Schwefelköpfe"

A mushroom walked into a bar. The bartender says, "I'm sorry, but we don't serve vegetables."

The mushroom says, “Awww, but I’m a fungai!”

Tree Fungus

Tree Fungus

Tree Fungus

Tree Fungus

Tree Fungus

Tree Fungus

Mushroom walks into a bar. Bartender says, "We don't serve mushrooms." 

Mushroom says, "But I'm a 'fun guy.'" 

Bartender says, "I just said we don't serve fungi." 

Mushroom says, "No, no, not 'fungi,' 'fun guy.' I made a pun." 

Bartender says, "Get the fuck out of my bar."


  1. This fungi is called a "Schwefelköpfchen" ( means "Little Sulphurhead").
    If it is grey from underneath you can eat it, but if i's rather greenish - you may regret it. :)

    1. In English the translation is not so literal.

      "Hypholoma fasciculare is commonly known as the sulphur tuft, sulfur tuft or clustered woodlover"

      Thank you for the help...i had a funny feeling you would know...

    2. 1. As an old creature descending from the deep forest I know my pals of course.
      2. They are not only "woodlovers" - some years they have been growing in my garden as well.
      Just like others do...
