Friday, May 24, 2013



Phragmites, the common reed, is a large perennial grass found in wetlands throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world.


Reed is used in many areas for thatching roofs. In the British Isles, common reed used for this purpose is known as Norfolk reed or water reed. However "wheat reed" and "Devon reed", also used for thatching, are not in fact reed, but long-stemmed wheat straw.


In Iran and its neighbouring counties Phragmites is used to create an instrument similar to flute, which is named after the Persian name for the plant, "Ney".


When Midas had his ears transformed into donkey's ears, he concealed the fact and his barber was sworn to secrecy. However the barber could not contain himself and rather than confiding in another human, he spoke the secret into a hole in the ground. The reeds that grew in that place then repeated the secret in whispers.


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